Robot sample
EXAMPLE OF SCENARIO All Robodal Applications are done by voice recording. so the sound produced will be exactly the same as human voice. The style of speech can be arranged …
EXAMPLE OF SCENARIO All Robodal Applications are done by voice recording. so the sound produced will be exactly the same as human voice. The style of speech can be arranged …
Robo dialing is a smart solution for call center. It is an outbound calling system (dialer) which can minimizing of wasted-time in calling a customer by dialing numbers from the …
Read moreRobo dialing – Automated dialer service using robocall indonesia
It is a voice broadcasting method in promoting, reminding, or even survey. Have you ever been called by a robot which can’t comunicate with you. The robot is only deliver …
Read moreIVR Blast Faster way for call center to follow up clients
It is the best solution for Fintech in Indonesia. So many fintech company broadcast the message for offering, debt collecting, and reminding. But now, the customer will ignore the messages. …
Read moreBroadcast call is the fastest calling system for Fintech company
Smart IVR Interactive is The two-way IVR with Ai technology (artificial intelligence) that is very rapidly developing nowadays. predating the previous version where IVR is only a mass voicemail, now …
It is the latest marketing technology in this digital era. Robodal works by sending mass messages to customers through outbound calls. this technology will be more efficient in reaching the …
Read morevoice broadcast with IVR Interactive artificial intelligence
In Indonesia it widely used. This is the main solution for the company’s call center services in the financial sector during the Corona pandemic. I want to share a little …
Our system in industry 4.0 is very important. With Artificial intelligence (Ai) technology, this robot is able to communicate interactively with clients. Using sound recordings, Many of them do not …
Read moreVoice Blast Artificial intelligence is the latest solution for call centers
Robocall is currently very widely used to help customer service or billing staff. Since the Indonesian regulation on companies to dismiss employees for 2 weeks due to the spread of …
Read moreRobocall software for call centers and desk collections
Robodal tele-robots began to be known and targeted by large companies. Robodal, which is usually used by fintech companies and banks for the billing division, can also be used for …
Read moreTelemarketing Robot is the company’s operational solutions